Pratt BFA Communications Design Thesis

August Nielsen Illustration

World Building - Planet Gallizar

Character Design
Concept Art
Game design

Welcome to the world of Galizar, a far away planet not that unfamiliar to earth… But this planet was ravaged by an explosion from a magic crystal long ago. Now the crystal has released magic into this world creating all types of monsters and beasts. Will humanity survive or are they no longer the top of the food chain?

For my thesis project this semester I explored this world visually. Last semester I created the basis for the world, the themes I wanted to explore, and the style I was going for. In this semester I looked more at the environments in this world and the technology within it. My goal was to make this world feel rich and intriguing through my choice of settings, character designs, and compositions. I enjoyed the exploration and the freedom to design my own characters and narratives. Some of the challenges I faced were making the world feel as cohesive as possible and making sure my designs felt real while also adding elements of fantasy into them. I hope to develop this world more in the future. Moving forward I am seeking to work in the video game industry doing concept art and environment design.