Pratt BFA Communications Design Thesis

Diana Branzan Illustration



I started out this year thinking about all of the past homes I have lived in, and questioning and thinking about the idea of home as a “constant” in all of our lives. By drawing different fragmented vignettes of nine to ten past personal living spaces and focusing on the displacement that can come from this constant shifting, I will be addressing a lack of consistent grounding, not only to myself but to others who have had similar trajectories. Where is home, really? Will we ever get there? Are we there right now without knowing it, and will we ever? By piecing together details of homes past through painting, drawing, collage and playing with transparencies, my end goal was to create a larger animated piece, stringing memories from these living spaces together that can speak to other immigrants or anyone that has ever questioned where home is.

My family’s current apartment was always a stopping point between where we used to be and where we once will be, never a final point or final destination, there never was a feeling of fully “settling down.” New York is particular to this experience in terms of its shifting permanence, and further made me want to address the occurrence of feeling like a foreigner in your own home. I’m hoping one day everybody can find comfort in their drifting states, no matter where they may be.